Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 4, 2024

Paper notification: March 20, 2024

Final manuscript: Apr 10, 2024

Call for Papers

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings (Word, LateX, Overleaf)

Initial Submission Instructions:

Please submit at:

You will need to:

  1. Make an account and/or log in to your EDAS account.
  2. Select the track that you would like to submit your manuscript to. Please note that focused sessions are open for any relevant submissions.
  3. Input your paper title and abstract.
  4. Add yourself as an author.
  5. Add your co-authors.
  6. Upload the manuscript. The manuscript must follow the required template, with a maximum length of 3 pages. Once the paper is successfully uploaded, the manuscript status will read as: “Active (has manuscript)”. You may continue to update and re-upload your manuscript until the deadline.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.

IEEE reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from distribution after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore) if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.

Please note that the final submitted manuscripts should NOT contain any copyright stamp like XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE on the first page.

Final Submission Instructions:

1. We encourage you to improve your initial manuscript based on reviewer feedback, where possible.

2. Prepare your final manuscript in line with the IEEE template

3. Create your PDF using IEEE PDF eXpress:  with conference ID: 60287X

4. Please upload your final manuscript PDF to EDAS by April 10, 2024 at 11:59 pm UTC  (7:59 pm EST/Montreal time)

Please note that the final submitted manuscripts should NOT contain any copyright stamp like XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE on the first page

5. In EDAS, be sure to indicate if you are interested in submitting this paper to the Young Professionals competition and/or the Best Student Paper Award Note: 
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.

6. IEEE reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from distribution after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore) if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.

Focused Sessions

Dielectric property
measurement and tissue phantoms
Simona Di Meo
Cellular and tissue
measurements for biomedical diagnostics
Katia Grenier
Dosimetry & bioeffectsFrancesca Apollonio, Micaela Liberti
Microwave imaging of
the breast
Emily Porter
Numerical Methods and
Simulations for the Applications of
Microwaves in Medicine and Biology
Natalia Nikolova
Biomedical radar for
micro-motion (respiration, heartbeat, ECG,
blood pressure) and imaging
Marco Mercuri, Fu-Kang Wang
Biomedical radar for
macro-motion detection (gesture, gait,
Davi Rodrigues, Shekh Md. Mahmudul Islam
Wearable and flexible
biomedical devices
Pai-Yen Chen, Michael Wu