Thank you to everyone who participated in the YP Power Pitch Competition and a big congratulations to the winners!!

  1. Robert Kowal; Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  2. Marie Mertens; KU Leuven & Polytechnique Montreal
  3. Pedram Mojabi; University of Calgary

Check out the winning pitch here.


Young professional attendees are invited to participate in the Power Pitch Competition. Prizes will be furnished thanks to IEEE MTT-S and IEEE MTT-S YP.

The rules are as follows:

  • The oral pitches will involve: a maximum of 3 min presentation with a maximum of 4 powerpoint slides
  • The pitches should highlight the key needs or challenges that your work addresses along with important innovations and/or outcomes.
  • Pitches will be submitted by pre-recorded video. Instructions on how to submit will be sent to participants by email.
  • The winners will be announced, and 1st place winning video played, at the YP Reception.


  • Any Young Professional who is a co-author of a presented paper is eligible to participate, whether or not they are the presenter of the paper itself
  • A paper may NOT be submitted to both the Best Student Paper competition and this Young Professionals competition. If the paper contains authors who may be eligible for both, the authors should decide amongst themselves in advance as to which competition it will be submitted in.

Indicate your interest to participate on EDAS:

  • In EDAS during the final manuscript upload, you will be prompted to answer the question “Interested in participating in Young Professionals Power Pitch Competition?” to which you should check “yes”